Illustration of diverse women

Request for Proposals: Public Affairs and Communication Consultant

BY Amadea Gareau |
Jun 25, 2024 |

Organization: The Prosperity Project

Proposal Deadline: July 10, 2024

Contract Duration: August 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027


The Prosperity Project (TPP) is dedicated to advancing gender equity with an intersectional lens, particularly in promoting women to leadership roles. As part of our mission, we seek to enhance public awareness of our organization and its initiatives, and to engage with various levels of government to advocate for our research findings and objectives.

Scope of Work:

The selected consultant or consultant firm will be responsible for the following:

1. Messaging and Communication Strategy:

   – Develop and launch PSA campaign to educate public about the importance of inclusion and gender equity in the workplace

   – Increase general public awareness about The Prosperity Project and its mission of gender equity by supporting the development of communication products and the placement of products in traditional media.

2. Strategic Outreach:

   – Support strategic outreach efforts to multiple levels of government.

   – Facilitate meetings with government officials to discuss research findings and objectives.

Proposal Requirements:

Interested parties should submit proposals that include the following details:

1. Introduction:

   – Overview of the firm or individual, including relevant experience and expertise in public affairs, communications, and gender equity issues.

2. Approach:

– Strategic messaging strategy to create and deliver messages that moves national discourse and public sentiment on gender equity and diversity in the workplace.

– Communications strategy to reach wide Canadian audience about issues related to gender equity and diversity in the workplace

   – Public affairs strategy for engaging with government officials and facilitating meetings.

4. References:

   – Contact information for at least three references from previous clients/projects.

5. Budget:

   – Detailed budget proposal outlining costs for services rendered.

6. Availability:

   – Consultant’s availability to commence work by August 1, 2024, and commit to the contract period until March 31, 2027.

Submission Instructions:

Proposals must be submitted electronically no later than July 5, 2024, to

Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

– Experience and expertise in public affairs, communications, and gender equity issues.

– Quality and feasibility of proposed approach and strategy.

– Demonstrated ability to achieve objectives similar to those outlined.

– Budget considerations.

Selection Process:

Shortlisted candidates may be invited for interviews or additional discussions before the final selection is made. The contract will be awarded to the consultant or consultant firm whose proposal best meets the needs and objectives of The Prosperity Project.

Please click here for a PDF version of this RFP