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A Statement from our Founder on the London, Ont. Attack

BY The Prosperity Project |
Jun 11, 2021 |

I would like to express The Prosperity Project’s deep sorrow over the tragic deaths of four members of the Afzaal family in my hometown of London, Ontario. On the heels of the news of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, this is a painful reminder of how much more we need to do collectively as a nation to overcome racism. To our Muslim Founding Visionaries and Visionaries, we stand with you in support of Canada’s Muslim community.

The Muslim community is an integral part of the London community. The London Muslim Mosque is Ontario’s oldest mosque and the second oldest mosque in Canada. In a message to the London community, Munir El-Kassem, imam of the Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario and three other local imams wrote in part… “We’ve got to bring our Islamic values, our Canadian values, put them into action and make sure that everybody is not reacting in a negative way, but rather to use this as an opportunity to work together to affect a real change that probably through the passing of these four individuals, we will be able to solve a major global problem. It’s OK to grieve and we have to grieve.”

Pamela Jeffery
Founder, The Prosperity Project